Mission Statement:
The Center for Senate Reform and Realignment (CSRR) is a non profit organization dedicated to the mission of advancing and promoting the passage of a Constitutional Amendment to disrupt, reform and realign the U.S Senate of the United States of America by passing a Constitutional Amendment to add thirty three new U.S. Senators to represent the most populated Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA's) in the United States by creating a new level of governance separate from the States.
Key Points for Consideration :
The U.S. Senate has a systemic problem associated with it's distorted and dysfunctional distribution of geo-political power. The same problem exists today that the founding fathers dealt with 236 years ago. Except it is worse today than ever before.
Small vs. Large State population disparities and
Urban vs Rural population disparities.
Lead to the breakdown and misalignment of the
political DNA makeup of the Senate.
What we are left with is Partisan Political Paralysis !!!
- The DNA of the Senate needs to be reimagined, reformed and realigned.
- The United States, in the 21st Century, is a nation of Cities.
- Each small, medium and large City is classified as a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) by The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the information database is used extensively by the Census Bureau.
- All metropolitan urban entities (Cities) should be viewed relative to their MSA's which can range in size from 50K to several Million (NYC 20 M.).
- Today, 85% of the (334M.) U.S. population lives within an urban environment and the trend towards more urbanization will only continue. One half of the U.S. population lives within one of the 45 largest MSA's. Even the 14 least populated states have recognizable urban centers.
- The entire urban population living in the U.S. has been and continues to be marginalized and disenfranchised by not being adequately represented within the U.S. Senate.
- The Constitution was written during an agrarian period in our countries history (4 Million People) ( 80 -90 % Rural) and it needs to be updated and amended to reflect this shift to a predominately urban society today.
- The Constitution, relative to the U.S. Senate, is biased against urbanism. The "Grand Compromise" of the 1787 Constitutional Convention codified this anti-urban bias. (2 Senators per State)
- The 33 largest MSA's are equal to or greater than 14 states. The dividing line is approximately 2 million people. These 14 smallest (population size) States wield an inordinate amount of power within the U.S. Senate, representing 28% of the Senate.
- The 33 largest MSA's share the equivalency qualifications of Statehood and should therefore be represented in the U.S. Senate. Each MSA would be represented in the Senate with one Senator.
The House of Representatives currently has 435 Seats
The REAL House Act, and/or the Equal Voice Act would increase the number of House Representatives members from 435 to either 573 or 585.
- A third level of governance, representing the 33 MSA's, can and should be introduced into the Constitution through a Constitutional Amendment.
The geopolitical MSA Contiguous Overlay Zone
AI says:
"The Constitution currently limits the power of the legislative branch, and any changes to the composition of Congress must be approved by three-fourths of the states. The Constitution currently does not allow for the creation of an entirely new level of governance separate from the states. Any changes to the structure of the federal government must be made through a Constitutional Amendment, which must be approved by two-thirds of both houses of Congress and ratified by three-fourths of the states."
2037 (The 250th anniversary of the 1787 Constitutional Convention)
Primary Objectives: Disrupt, Reform and Realign the U.S. Senate
Disrupt: Disseminate information that elaborates the biased inequality inherent in the U.S. Senate.
Reform: Create a movement to reform the U.S. Senate.
Realign: Pass a Constitutional Amendment to realign the balance of power in the U.S. Senate.
Key Benchmark: Passage of a Constitutional Amendment and it's Ratification.